Positive Future Consultancy Ltd unlocking your potential
Positive Future Consultancy (PFC) is dedicated to unlocking your potential. We are constantly on the look out for people who are looking to better themselves and provide a variety of services to help you improve in all aspects of your life.
Our learning programmes and courses focus on delivering alternative learning techniques for those who do not thrive in a mainstream education setting.
We offer young people and adults the opportunity to gain up to a Level Two in Functional Skills (including Maths and English) and up to a Level Two in Work Skills.
We also offer a animal care programme in a rescue centre with practical work experience covering all aspects of animal care and maintenance. This can be an accredited qualification or can enhance your skills in this field.
We provide life coaching and emotional intelligence awareness on a one to one basis, helping you to achieve your full potential. This can also include anger management and behaviour management aimed at young people and adults on an outreach basis.
Accredited First Aid courses are also available, including paediatric, adult and combined courses which can be delivered at a time and place convenient to you. All courses are certificated.
Why us?
Why us?
Positive Future Consultancy was formed in March 2014 with the aim to help everyday people improve their emotional intelligence, confidence and skills.
We have over 20 years of experience in helping young people and adults learn to control their emotions and unlock their potential.
We think it is vital everyone has a chance to achieve their life goals and ambitions.
Our Policies
Our Policies
Gail Hesketh-Calland
Director / Business Manager
Gail also carries out tutoring/mentoring/ Health & Safety and IV.
Colette Murray
Director/ Outreach Liaison Manager
Colette also carries out tutoring roles as well as being the safeguarding lead.
Doreen Hesketh-Calland
Director/Quality /Finance Manager
Doreen also leads on First Aid and is assessor/ tutor.
Sheryl Goodall
Generic Tutor
Sheryl tutors on employability skills/ functional skills / assessor for both subjects. Also equal opportunities lead.
Sonjia Hesketh
Quality Administrator
Sonjia monitors attendance, and tracks our learners progress and looks after administration.
Susan Seddon
Teacher and Training & Assessment
Sue delivers teacher training and assessment training.
Kelly Stewart
Generic Tutor
Kelly tutors on employability skills/ functional skills / assessor for both subjects.
Jacob Murray
IT Technician
Jacob takes care of all our IT/ Marketing and technical needs